Smile; Be Happy!
It'll save lives; and prolong yours!
An average person smiles 20 times a day. Better yet: 40 - 50 times for a happy person, that's a lot right? Well... Children smile around 400 times a day, and to be completely honest I don't know how that's possible but hey ho..
Scientist Andrew Newberg suggests that smiling "is the symbol with the highest rated emotional content", but I've read; and realised in myself, that smiling to some of us is associated with a form of weakness. But... the positive impacts in us that it has, psychologically and physically, both facially and in health, is so outstanding that it surprises me we don't get told about this more often.
For example, how many people out there know that World Smile Day is the first Friday of ever October? Created by Harvey Ball who designed the smiley face you see on everything from tee's to Emoji's, but felt it got too commercialised and people didn't realise the importance of a smile! And how real that is.
It's on October the 3rd this year- one for the calendars!
Only 3 days off my birthday so you know... So I'll take the credit ;)
I noticed to myself the other day that; and bare with me on this, that we watch a lot of either emotional or feel good movies. Now there's the school of thought in that we just watch them for entertainment, but why not look to them for life lessons.
I feel that the writers that put their years work into the scripts and the story lines want us to take more from these books and films than just a couple hours of entertainment. And use it to somehow improve the small, tiny detail in our life. While it's all well and good having "Rachel McAdams" in a Rom Com; or love story, it's amazing what you can get from these scripts.
We see many a story going viral on social media about someone on the edge of the abyss being saved from an end just because someone was nice to them, smiled and wished them a happy day. I pass by a lot of people on a daily basis, and I'm in a profession where there's a lot of time on calls. The difference I feel in my day, in people I meet and those speak to, when I'm in a good mood, or even smiling on a phone call is brilliant! You put a smile on someones face and it's infectious, and you spread happiness and joy literally everwhere you go.
So I set you a challenge... You who's got the time to sit and read to this point. The next person you meet, be it a random person serving you coffee, or the love of your life.. don't take yourself too seriously, Smile, make a joke, have a conversation while they're getting you that coffee, or sitting beside you and make a persons day a million times better just by being in it. There's nothing weak about saving lives!
Humanity - it's all good.
I really recommend getting on these sites and reading some more on Smiling! It's worth it. - The Science of Smiling "Leo Widrich" - Needs no further explanation!
Alexander Yagoub
Twitter - @ayagoub1
Instagram - @alexmagooyag
An average person smiles 20 times a day. Better yet: 40 - 50 times for a happy person, that's a lot right? Well... Children smile around 400 times a day, and to be completely honest I don't know how that's possible but hey ho..
Scientist Andrew Newberg suggests that smiling "is the symbol with the highest rated emotional content", but I've read; and realised in myself, that smiling to some of us is associated with a form of weakness. But... the positive impacts in us that it has, psychologically and physically, both facially and in health, is so outstanding that it surprises me we don't get told about this more often.
It's on October the 3rd this year- one for the calendars!
Only 3 days off my birthday so you know... So I'll take the credit ;)
I noticed to myself the other day that; and bare with me on this, that we watch a lot of either emotional or feel good movies. Now there's the school of thought in that we just watch them for entertainment, but why not look to them for life lessons.
I feel that the writers that put their years work into the scripts and the story lines want us to take more from these books and films than just a couple hours of entertainment. And use it to somehow improve the small, tiny detail in our life. While it's all well and good having "Rachel McAdams" in a Rom Com; or love story, it's amazing what you can get from these scripts.
So I set you a challenge... You who's got the time to sit and read to this point. The next person you meet, be it a random person serving you coffee, or the love of your life.. don't take yourself too seriously, Smile, make a joke, have a conversation while they're getting you that coffee, or sitting beside you and make a persons day a million times better just by being in it. There's nothing weak about saving lives!
Humanity - it's all good.
I really recommend getting on these sites and reading some more on Smiling! It's worth it. - The Science of Smiling "Leo Widrich" - Needs no further explanation!
Alexander Yagoub
Twitter - @ayagoub1
Instagram - @alexmagooyag
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