What am I doing here...

I've been asked, told, and recommended by friends, family, and others that I should start writing more. And in what channel was a question that completely evaded me. It isn't like people write into the newspapers and become journalists, nor do they rise to fame; not that fame is at all the point of purpose here, from a single hit.
But hey, it could have happened to someone, there are billions of humans out there, and as Ronald Regan once said "there are no limits to growth because there are no limits of human intelligence, imagination, and wonder". 

So the point of my first post; considering the people that are "most likely" going to read this are friends and family, is to identify purpose as I'm sure you're aware of who I am, but that'll come later.

I tend to babble on about faith a bit (I'm a big fan) and talk about how I believe it's influenced my life. But anyone will tell you, even those that aren't fond of me, that I'll respect any opinion and fact in the world, be it that I'll defend my faith to death, but never enforce it on others. We all have freedom of will for a reason. Some of the stuff I post will be about faith, if that's not your thing then that's fair enough, I'll make it clear it's about that from the title to avoid time wasting, but if it is then I hope my opinion or thoughts do something for you...

Other than that it'll be about Health and fitness, some things I know and read, some things I hear and have an opinion about. I should stress, I've got massive experience in trial and error with fitness but no higher education level qualification... I'm no where near an end goal nor do I think "I'm it", but heck I love having a rant about it.

I'll try to do as much as I can, and I really hope you comment or... "share" or "like"... not sure how it works on here, even if you are to say I have no idea, or whatever, it's all in good practice, so..

You'll read from me soon!

Alexander Yagoub


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